Steven Verburg: Farm Pollution Exacerbated by Zebra Mussels→
/Wisconsin State Journal:
Erica Cirino: Our Medicated Surface Waters→
/Ars Technica:
Scott Johnson: Lakes Soaking up Road Salt→
/Ars Technica:
Todd Reubold: The Biggest Sources of Nutrient Pollution in Cities→
/University of Minnesota:
Dennis Anderson: Minnesota Buffer Law→
/Star Tribune:
Rae Ellen Bichell: We're All Dumber Due to Lead Pollution→
You would have been a genius, instead you are mediocre. You can thank some greedy corporate executives who at the time railed against government regulations.
Jame Walsh: Working on Century-Old Storm Sewers →
/Star Tribune:
Eleanor Klibanoff: Lead Ammo and Fishing Tackle Poisons→
In Minnesota, it is estimated that 100 to 200 loons die of ingesting lead-based fishing tackle.
Dave Orrick: Walleye Decline with Global Warming →
/Pioneer Press:
Catherine Saint Louis: Colgate Total Toothpaste Has Triclosan→
/New York Times
Beth Mole: FDA Bans Antibacterial Soaps→
Linda Poon: Climate Change Migrations→
Governor Dayton Moves to Protect Bees
/We now await the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's review of the neonicotinoids, which is anticipated to be completed by 2018.
Les Neuhaus: Farmers Pollute Lake Okeechobee, People Tired of Inaction→
/New York Times:
And then the state politicians have the gall to blame environmental agencies or the President of the United States.