Dennis Anderson: Minnesota Buffer Law→
/Star Tribune:
Ron Meador: Minnesota Buffer Map→
Julienne Isaacs: The Benefits and Limits of Buffers→
/Manitoba Co-operator:
J. Patrick Coolican: Buffer Bill Passes→
/Star Tribune:
The politics of shoreline buffers is hard.
Josephine Marcotty: Buffer Law Debate→
/Star Tribune:
Past regulatory approaches have failed in agricultural areas because people do not comply. As maps are created, both sides complain. What is public water? Common sense says it is all water is public water, but statute and rules each have definitions. In the legal world, words have meaning and consequences. All air is public, should all water be public? We need buffer laws that are meaningful and enforced. In addition, other approaches need to be adopted. For example, if you pollute you should pay. This approach is reasonable as well -- perhaps a mix of approaches will result in a system that produces clean water.
Issues Remain for MN Shoreline Buffers→
See other 'shoreline buffers' articles by selecting the same tag (bottom of list on the right) or by searching (top right).
Doug Smith: Governor Dayton signs bill to mandate buffers→
/Star Tribune:
Well done Governor Dayton! You tackled a difficult issue, informed people along the way, found reasonable compromises to move it forward, and acknowledged that more work still needs to be done. Good governance and great progress on an important environmental issue.
Dennis Anderson: Some Farmers for Buffer Bill→
/Star Tribune:
Darrel Mosel: Farmers will Find Production Benefits with Buffers→
/SC Times:
The intended benefits of shoreline buffers that is well described by a practicing farmer.
Kyle Potter: Dayton Proposes More Money to Reimburse Farmers for Buffers →
/Associated Press:
The current paradigm is that we have to pay farmers to do the right thing. Why as a farmer can I pollute my neighbor's place or a public resource? Why does my neighbor have to pay me to stop me from sending my pollution downstream to him? Is it my right to pollute? What would Aldo say?
Josephine Marcotty: Buffer are a Rallying Cry for Cleaner Water→
/Star Tribune:
Yeah but, a uniform regulation consisting of 50 feet of perennial vegetation is a great start -- compared to many places without a buffer.
MN DNR: Governor's Buffer Initative
/Minnesota DNR:
Good summary of riparian conditions across Minnesota, a collection of shoreline buffer reports, a review of the Governor's proposal, and links to the buffer bills currently being debated.
Aggressive Plan Aims to Separate Crops from Waterways→
/Elizabeth Dunbar, reporting for MPR:
Minnesota Shoreland Buffer Laws Inconsistently Enforced→
/Doug Smith, reporting for the Star Tribune:
Minnesota Governor Proposes 50-foot Shoreline Buffer Enforcement→
/Dave Orrick, reporting for the Pioneer Press: