Tim Harford, writing for FT Magazine:
Reliable knowledge generally requires randomization. When systematic bias you have, work as good, it will not.
Lakeshore Living. News on lake ecology, lake pollution, land use, natural resource management, community, and lakeshore living.
Tim Harford, writing for FT Magazine:
Reliable knowledge generally requires randomization. When systematic bias you have, work as good, it will not.
Regina Nuzzo, reporting for Nature:
Good points in this article on statistics -- how large of was the effect, if you use different statistical methods or approaches do you get the same result?
Lakeshore Living and Walleye. This blog builds upon these books, which provides insight into relevant aspects of environmentally-sensitive lakeshore living and the life of walleye. This blog may provide some meaning for people interested in improving lakeshore living and understanding walleye and fisheries management.