Sean Caroll: An Ecology Lesson
Lakeshore Living. News on lake ecology, lake pollution, land use, natural resource management, community, and lakeshore living.
David Malakoff, writing for Conservation (a good read pick):
Natural selection at work.
Hillary Rosner, reporting for ENSIA:
Interesting perspective that ecologists should stop using the 'past' to guide conservation, but rather look to the future or predict that future to direct today's conservation efforts. In a rapidly changing world, this approach makes sense.
Ron Meador, reporting for MinnPost:
Daniel Cressey, reporting for Nature News Blog:
Lakeshore Living and Walleye. This blog builds upon these books, which provides insight into relevant aspects of environmentally-sensitive lakeshore living and the life of walleye. This blog may provide some meaning for people interested in improving lakeshore living and understanding walleye and fisheries management.