Atlas Obscura:
Lizzie Wade: Human-Driven Evolution→
Samantha Oliver: Lake Trends Mostly Static→
/University of Wisconsin: Center for Limnology
Carl Zimmer: A Plague Killing Deer and Elk→
/New York Times:
Erica Cirino: Our Medicated Surface Waters→
/Ars Technica:
Scott Johnson: Lakes Soaking up Road Salt→
/Ars Technica:
Natalie Sopinka: Fish Habitat Loss in Canada→
/Canadian Science:
Todd Reubold: The Biggest Sources of Nutrient Pollution in Cities→
/University of Minnesota:
Steven Maier: Study of a Lake Trout strain→
/Great Lakes Echo:
Steven Maier: Mudpuppies→
/Great Lakes Echo:
Samantha Oliver: What Two Frozen Lakes Taught Me→
/Center for Limnology
Dave Orrick: Walleye Decline with Global Warming →
/Pioneer Press:
Nathan Martin: Animal Migrations→
/The Atlantic:
Fascinating story about animal migration and the research on elk migration in and around Yellowstone National Park.
France Diep: Water Use per Crop→
/ScienceLine (via chart of the day):