Madhusudan Katti, writing for the Conversation:
City dwellers can also help by restoring shards of habitat near their homes.
Lakeshore Living. News on lake ecology, lake pollution, land use, natural resource management, community, and lakeshore living.
Madhusudan Katti, writing for the Conversation:
City dwellers can also help by restoring shards of habitat near their homes.
Robert Sanders, reporting for UC Berkeley:
Can you have a dense urban core without the suburban sprawl? It hasn't been possible recently.
Richard Conniff, writing for Yale environment 360:
Great use of oaks is advocated, as this taxa is important for many insects and birds.
Luke Runyon, reporting for NPR:
This appears to be an interesting trend. Will existing subdivisions be redeveloped with the inclusion of small farms? Given their density, subdivisions are still dependent on cheap energy for transportation -- a clear Achilles' heel.
Derek Thompson, reporting for The Atlantic:
Margaret Buranen, reporting for Ensia:
Check out the Sustainable Site Initiative for the rating system and recommendations:
Hannah Hoag, reporting for Nature:
Stephen Wilbers, reporting for MinnPost:
Sarah Goodyear, reporting for Altantic Cities:
Watch the video. Mitigating the dependence of vehicles through town.
Lakeshore Living and Walleye. This blog builds upon these books, which provides insight into relevant aspects of environmentally-sensitive lakeshore living and the life of walleye. This blog may provide some meaning for people interested in improving lakeshore living and understanding walleye and fisheries management.